Here are the latest stats as of this morning.
1.56 Blackatom
1.51 Kevbo67
1.45 PolishSteel77
1.15 Avad
1.12 Pittsmo
1.03 Blackatom
.87 Kevbo67
.65 Pittsmo
.62 Wildthing202
.59 Nate8724
.90 PolishSteel77
.64 Kevbo67
.60 Avad
.56 Heavensent
.55 Myyrdin/Bigtourist
18.04 Samsara
17.71 Jaos
15.17 Nate8724
12.09 Ajn24
11.35 Wildthing202
Most PIM/Game
5.38 Samsara
2.90 Nate8724
2.56 Jaos
2.26 Ajn24
1.54 Kevbo67
Least PIM/Game
.84 Eze4384
.86 Blackatom
1.03 Bigtourist
1.11 Cougar300/PensCupChamps
Best +/-/Game
.517 Blackatom
.333 Bigtourist
.289 Kevbo67
.201 Pittsmo
.166 PolishSteel77
Worst +/-/Game
-.526 Jaos
-.369 Avad
-.332 Ajn24
-.255 Samsara
-.252 Heavensent
I'm glad mine has dropped quite a bit in the +/- dept. My PS3 or the EA servers were going bananas yesterday I only got one horrific game in.
Did anyone else have that problem?
i know they were pushing out update 2.5 on the PSN servers, so hopefully that was the problem.
lately...it seems that the teams I play on...we're money on the PP...so that doesn't help my horrific figure out at all. One day that will be a 0...and i will be proud.
where are the hit stats?
i'm only one man! i didn't have time for hits or PIM's...i'll see if i can get those done later today or over the weekend.
Those are my only achievements Aron!
i know...i ran out of time, but may i say pubes..and be forgiven.
Lol, I went from worst +/- to being in the top 5.
Wooo... Progress!
May your pubes atone you.
Paul enjoys a sprinkle of pubes on his ice cream...
do my points per game not count in the standings?
sorry canaan...i should have mentioned minimum was 100 games.
wooo these past few days i have been of fire I got myselfin the top 5 in goals per game and points per game and out of the worst plus-minus top 5 aswell as my 100th goal andabout 20pts away from 200 pts
i haven't been able to get in any games the last two days, no one has been on when i was :(
what do you think the minimum should be then? a majority 17/26 had over 100 games played...it's not that big of a deal, i don't have time to look everyone up, so i just pick a number and go with it. For the record i think you were in the 90's in games played so i know it sucks..but deal with it.
its still ghey =)
fair enough
Nice update Aron...
I wanted to know if I was top 5 in PIM's.
maybe if you got your own ps3 canaan, you could play a little more... ;)
OMG BS I I try so hard to be disiplined i got up .2 percent penalty minutes per game wtf >(
(lol supposed to be an anger face)
the numbers don't lie Nate, liars use numbers...or something to that effect
the system is fixed against me
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